Woolf Photography: Steering a new course
Woolf Photography is changing course and moving out of its current Lambton Quay location. Find out how we plan to continue delivering YOU with the best photography experiences...
Nimble, Uncompromising & Personal
Woolf Photography is changing the way it does business, but our values remain the same. What does this mean?
Here's what Simon Woolf has to say about the next step in our journey:
Woolf has moved out of its Lambton Quay premises at the end of the end 0f 2022. We have become a totally mobile team. This gives you Choice:
We will come to you for your photo-shoot. Indoor or outdoor, we can organise Studio sessions as well within the Wellington CBD in our Ebor St Studio.
After your photos are taken, we'll show them to you at your preferred location - in your lunchbreak at a café or your home, so you can select and order your favourites.
No more 9 to 5! Our mobile team will be around, when you need them- that means week-ends and after-hours too. Just make an appointment!
Ordering will be online: convenient, easy and quick.
Digital images from commercial sessions and events can be with you in real time, to your USB by the end of the night, or by Download from our web platforn
More workshops! There will be workshops with special interest photography offered throughout the year. Workshops can be tailored for your group or organisation.
Look out for our Special Photographic events – watch this space!
The Quality of your experience and of our imagery remains at the heart of everything we do. With our years of experience and knowledge, we are using the latest technologies to keep abreast of photography. Our team draws on different areas of expertise to bring you the best in portraits, commercial and event photography.
Here is a fun video taken by one of our roving team members, John Mathews, whose specialty is video and time-lapse photography.
Woolf has been part of the Wellington fabric for over 80 years. We want to continue to tell the story of this wonderful city, so we will continue to find ways to engage with you on a personal level. Be it through your family portraits, your daughter's wedding, your grandchild's first sitting. These are the moments that count, and that our business was built on. You will have access to traditionally printed and bound images to the highest quality standards, but also to your entire digital file if you so wish.
In fact, Woolf Photography is now giving clients the opportunity to buy back their entire image files (from digital and negative format), so if you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, contact us today and we can organise this for you.
So, we thank you for your years of loyalty, and we hope you come along for the ride. This next chapter of our business is very exciting. For more information about our new structure, check out our FAQ section.
Here's to more excellent photographic experiences!
From the ( more mobile) Team at Woolf Photography.
Woolf Photography: the shifting landscape
A changing landscape requires businesses to move forward. Find out more in this installment what this means for Woolf Photography...
Change is coming, we're moving forward
As you know, Woolf Photography has been in business for over 80 years, and to stay around this long, has meant that we’ve had to be agile. Nothing’s changed, as we identify our new opportunities. Hear what Simon Woolf has to say:
What we are now is Tech Savvy, whilst still remaining personal: Our primary aim is still to deliver YOU with the best possible photographic experience and products. Our reputation has been built on this!
So, what’s new?
Personal and uncompromising
Simon Woolf and his team continue to work tirelessly to deliver beautiful, timeless and on-brand photography.
The quality of your experience with us is also at the heart of everything we do. Woolf photography is fast becoming an agile business.
What does this mean?
“In a nutshell: The Woolf Team will be more mobile than ever. Not based out of a single Studio, the team will come to you, and deliver photography to your spec, on your terms.”
Tech-Savvy and quality service
We are working hard to make it easier than ever to order your images, purchase your files or prints, make appointments and view your images. Quality of service is our mantra, and this new and improved model will allow us to deliver just that.
But to make an omelette, we’ve had to crack some eggs…
As the “keepers” of Wellington’s photographic history, we have prided ourselves in storing images for our customers over the generations.
However, the time has now come for us to ask that our clients contact us to purchase and retrieve their image files and negatives, as, moving to the next phase of our business, we will be moving our un-claimed material to an offsite storage archive.
Contact us or call Kaye on (04) 917 6861 to find out more.
A fresh start requires light baggage…
So, in the spirit of mobility, Woolf Photography is having a rather large spring clean! Photography equipment, framed artworks, prints and books are all up for sale- if you’re interested, come into our Gallery and take advantage of some fabulous savings (up to 50% in some cases!), until 30 August 2016.
So, where do we go from here? Stay tuned for our next installment, coming soon…
Woolf Photography: 80 years and counting
We live in fast-changing times, and all businesses must adapt to remain relevant and at the forefront of their industry. Woolf Photography is no different: Here is our Story So Far...
The Story so far...
In 1934 Spencer Digby established what was to become one of New Zealand’s leading photography studios in Wellington. The business was sold to the Woolf family in 1960, and it thrived, throughout the decades, under the direction of Ronald and Inge Woolf. Fast becoming an iconic photography studio, its team were at the forefront of important events and documenting the history of Wellington and New Zealand.
Major events and State visits form part of the company’s extensive visual library: From Audrey Hepburn, to Kofi Annan, from the Pope and Nelson Mandela to Sir Edmund Hilary or the Springbok riots, international and national Greats have been captured by their lens. A keen sense of timing and history, together with the desire to tell a story and capture the moment is what underpins the Woolf visual legacy.
Simon Woolf took on the mantle of CEO in the late ‘80s, and has never looked back: His accession to the helm also coincided with an industry sea-change: his was the transition from the Dark Room to the Digital Room- no mean feat! Hear Simon talk about the history of Woolf:
Only his agile business acumen and his on-going commitment to quality and to the core values of the business have made it the enduring success and household name it is to this day:
Quality is at the heart of everything we do: creating enduring images, treating Photography as an art form…that approach produces work that never dates ”
This ethos has been proven time and again through the numerous national and international awards and accolades the studio has received. It holds the record for the most Kodak Gold Awards. The studio’s photographers have also won a host of Photographic Society of New Zealand Champion Image awards, and gold medals, and also have gained multiple successes in the Epson Iris Awards. Woolf Photography has also produced more Photographic Society of New Zealand Youth Award Winners than any other studio.
Many a talented photographer has passed through these doors and been trained under the keen mentorship of Simon Woolf. The team has had its share of photographic exhibitions and prides itself on pitting itself against the best, and attaining honours and accolades in the process.
“It enables us to strive to high standards and gauge ourselves against our peers.”
Agility has also been at the core of the business: Moving with the times, adapting to new technologies and techniques has kept the imagery and the business relevant throughout the decades. Not many Wellington businesses can lay claim to such longevity, and today technology has lain a new challenge: the birth of the mobile phone and social media presents its set of challenges but also offers exciting opportunities to forge ahead into a bright new sea of possibilities.
Stay tuned for the next installment…
Piper's Style Studio Shoot
Piper had a plan: A Cross-fit competitor and aspiring model, she came in to the studio to get some head shots for a modelling portfolio -as her mother says: "This will pay for her to get though Uni!”. Piper needed a shoot that could deliver on several fronts. If she was going to invest in professional photography for her portfolio, she was going to do it right. That's the beauty of a Studio Photo-Shoot: Come in once, bring in different looks, and there you have a body of work that has many different uses.
Piper recently represented New Zealand in the Oceania Weightlifting Champs in Suva, Fiji, where she placed 4th with a 51 kg 'snatch' and a 71 kg 'clean and lift'.
For her first look, she wanted to be natural and relaxed, so hair and make-up had to be minimal.
For the second part of the shoot, emphasis was on looking edgy, using make-up to transform this lovely young woman from sporty & fresh-faced to smoky-eyed beauty for her modelling portfolio. Sandi, our photographer, did the rest. "Now that she is a bit older, she can really pull off the edgier shots.", says Sandi, who has photographed Piper in the past. "The Shoot was at lot of fun- we laughed so much!"
Thanks Piper for coming in to our Studio again- we loved having you and wish you all the best.
The Team at Woolf.
Simon's Monthly Top Tips
Every month, Simon Woolf shares some of his photographic wisdom. You won't want to miss this:
July-August 2016
Perspective is a valuable piece of a photographer's repertoire. Eye level often does not cut it! The need to get up high and look down, or get down and dirty, and look up is often an essential in gaining that X-Factor shot!
- Just remember if you are going to get on up high, take care, you do not wish to fall and injure yourself. It has been done I can assure you!
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times. That is also an essential ingredient of being a great photographer. When taking photos from perspectives on slippery or potentially unstable surfaces, be aware you come first.
On returning my leased car I apparently popped a dent or two in the roof. It cost me! The shots I did achieve from the cars roof were well worth gaining different and unique images.
"Rowing for Gold"- Pop-up Gallery with Woolf Photography
Woolf Photography has always played a role the community...
...its passion for Wellington, its harbour and its people made it a natural partner for this latest fundraising venture with the Scots College Rowing Club.
The College first reached out to Simon during the summer training season to see if he would go out and take photos of the boys in action- what started as a goodwill gesture, turned into a wonderful photo opportunity for Simon Woolf- avid Wellington harbour photographer, lover of sunrises, hills, clouds and action.
The resulting body of work, centered around an early morning training session on the harbour, literally at first light, is a series of documentary shots of oars and boats at speed ("Into the Blue I & II") and moody silhouetted figures in the creeping light of day, on flat water.
These new Limited Edition works were featured in a " pop-up Art Gallery" set up, for one night only, at Premier House, to raise funds for the up-coming rowing crew at Scots College: a bold move by the club, and not your typical sausage sizzle or bake-sale approach. Artists were carefully selected for their special narrative around the theme of water, our ocean, islands and harbour ( a realm the Scots rowing squad knows well!).
Joining Simon in the mix are highly celebrated photographers Bruce Foster and Jason O'hara as well as local artists Elizabeth Thomson, Charlotte Handy and Geraldine Stevens. Last, but not least, a number of works, made available for the first time, celebrate New Zealand's Kermadec region (one of the world's last pristine open spaces) as well as individual works by John Pule and Fetu Feu'u. All of these artists generously donated a percentage of the proceeds to the club.
The event was well attended and hosted by the Hon. Chris Findlayson, with an address by Rob Morrison, responsible for resurrecting Rowing at Scots in the late 90's and funding their first Quad, the "Blind Kiwi". Both speakers commended the young men for their dedication and their grit: Ocean training being all the more challenging compared to rivers or lakes.
Simon's "Into the Blue I & II " Art works from the "Pop-up Gallery" are still on display in the wonderful CPAC building at Scots College and available for purchase . These are limited edition pieces, signed, with a Certificate of Authenticity.
To find out more about these and the other artworks, contact us or visit www.scotscollege.school.nz/scots-college-rowing-art-fundraiser/
Fly on the Wall: #VictoriaUniversity of Wellington #Grad #parade
Woolf Photography, in the crowd...
Our crew were out there in the sunshine, capturing the vibe and energy of the Parade yesterday- Check it out: Do you recognize anyone?
Remember- you can hire your gown for a full month, so don't feel like you've missed your opportunity to book a Studio portrait session for you and your whanau and friends- just call or email us to make a booking, we'll get you sorted!
Baby Nikau's first photos...
As usual, Wellington photographer Jess Dewsnap works wonders with her baby photography.
Here, she treats us to a series of intimate and lovely family photos of baby Nikau and his parents in our City studio.
Katy first came to see us at 34 weeks for her pregnancy shoot. She returned with Nikau and proud Dad, Kenny when Nikau was just 18days old and super cute. See for yourself!
“Nikau’s last shoot was when he was 8months old. This has to be my most favourite time to photograph. Children are normally sitting up by themselves and their true character and personality shine through. ”
Nikau turned one late last year. Jess & the Woolf team would like to wish Nikau a belated Happy 1st Birthday, and mum Katy a happy Mother's Day!
Here is an image that would look great in black and white and framed, as a lovely gift for mum ;)
Amazing Photography Workshops: Simon Woolf
We've asked previous workshop attendees what makes them come back to Simon's workshops time and again. This next one at Bay of Many Coves Resort is quite special, and sticking by Simon's side, we hear, means your chances of getting "the Shot" are very high. Read on..
Once again, I wanted to ask our participants to share their experiences directly about what makes these photography workshops with Simon Woolf so amazing. Read on...
“[...] you learn that Simon ‘gets the shot’, and if you stick close you can create some great images too!”
This time, we asked Paul Rondel, another avid photographer, to tell us what makes him come back time and time again to these workshops. As you can see, he has very generously shared some of the amazing images he has taken over the many workshops he has attended. We hope these will inspire you!
Woolf: "How many workshops with Simon Woolf have you attended and where have these taken place?"
Paul Rondel: "I think I've attended eleven of Simon's workshops in the last few years, in Wellington, Auckland, and the Marlborough Sounds:
- Live the Passion (Auckland)
- Bay of Many Coves (2013-2015), Marlborough Sounds
- Ohariu Valley, Wellington
- Zealandia, Wellington
- Nature Workshop, Wellington
- Wellington Wanderings (twice!)"
W: " What made you attend these workshops? (Tell us what you have derived from them, what you were looking to achieve, whether they lived up to your expectations and what the overall experience was like.)
PR: "It began with a 2-day workshop Simon was holding in Auckland, with a number of excellent guest photographers. Not only was it interesting, and educational, it was inspiring and fun. And this turned out to be a theme with Simon's workshops: even with repeat visits, a trip out with Simon is full of variety and new experiences. What's more, you learn that Simon 'gets the shot', and if you stick close you can create some great images too!
W: "How would you best describe your experience?"
PR: "I take photographs because I enjoy the way it feels to look at the world 'through the lens'; to see and feel the world around you and be enriched by it. This feeling is amplified by the camaraderie on Simon's workshops, and by the passion with which he leads them."
Thanks, Paul, for taking the time to share your experience and amazing photographs with us- we hope our readers will be inspired to join Simon's next workshops. For more dates and information, keep an eye out on our "What's On" page- you won't be disappointed!
Photography at Bay Of Many Coves Resort
Each year, Simon Woolf's Photography workshops and retreats are much anticipated- so much so, that you have to be quick if you want to get a spot!
Ever wondered what makes them so compelling?
We wanted to find out from past workshop attendees what all the buzz was about, particularly, the photographic experiences at the Bay of Many Coves Resort in Queen Charlotte Sound. These have been taking place now for almost seven years, with no end date in sight.
“An “Exceptional” experience (for seasoned or novice photographers alike).”
So, we caught recently up with Mr Stephen Fox, an artist and photography enthusiast, who was kind enough to answer some questions for us:
Woolf: "How many workshops with Simon have you attended and where have these taken place?"
Stephen Fox: " I cannot remember exactly, as in some I have helped Simon, and in others I have attended as a participant. However, it is somewhere around seven workshops at Bay of Many Coves, two at Zealandia, two at Ohariu Farm, and One at Shelly bay..."
W: "Wow, that is impressive! What made you attend these workshops?"
SF: "The first one was at the Bay of Many Coves (B.O.M.C.) Resort. I wanted to learn about photography as I moved away from painting and into Photography for my art. I had stayed at B.O.M.C. and saw an advertisement for the workshop, so I decided to attend. I can totally recommend this workshop, and keep going back when ever I can. Even after all the workshops I have attended, each one is a refinement of technique and an experience of a lifetime with wonderful photos to remember each on and to see the progression over time."
“Even after all the workshops [...], each one is a refinement of technique and an experience of a lifetime... ”
W: "Tell us what you have derived from them, what you were looking to achieve, and whether they lived up to your expectations" and what the overall experience was like.)
SF: "The experience was way more than I had expected and I achieved a lot more than I had hoped. Simon is a fantastic Mentor and guide. This, along with the sharing that occurs across the workshop participants, and the beautiful environment at B.O.M.C., makes it a unique experience.
W: "Thank you, Stephen. What is the one word you would use to describe the experience, and what else would you like to see happen?"
SF: " I would say my word is "Exceptional" (for seasoned or novice photographers alike). For me, after seven times, I think Simon should consider doing a "Road-trip photography Tour"! :)"
Thinking of joining us at the Bay of Many Coves Resort? Take a look at the itinerary for the May workshop. Don't worry if you miss out this time, you can always come along in September. Click here for details.
We would love hear from you about your experiences and receive feedback and ideas for future photography workshops (from anyone who has or is yet to participate). You never know what Simon will come up with next!